Tuesday 15 December 2020

Day Three - Technology

 On the third day of gratitude, I am grateful for technology.

I was born in 1966, but thank goodness I didn't have to live with this disorder in 1966. Or 1980. Or even 1990 for that matter. 

Can you imagine having to live with a vestibular disorder :-

without Google?

without VeDA?

without smartphones?

without health apps?

without YouTube?

without podcasts?

without online medical journals?

without alternative medication?

without virtual vestibular therapy?

without social media?

without online support groups?

without GPS - to make driving less stressful?

Can you imagine how hard that would be? Nor can I. Nor would I want to.

Technology has made this great big world a little bit smaller. Technolgy has brought us closer together, so that we don't have to feel so isolated and alone in this.

Living with a vestibular disorder is hard. But having technology makes the hard a little bit easier.

And I am abundantly grateful.


  1. For someone who is a technophobe you handle technology really well. It’s true social media and connections help to manage it so much better.
