Sunday, 20 December 2020

Day Eight - 2020 Vision.

 On the eighth day of gratitude, I am grateful for 2020 vision.

Prior to the Covid 19 pandemic, the term 2020 vision related to the standard test by which your vision was measured from 20ft away.

Today, in the light of the pandemic, it can also mean the way that people now see what is now valuable, meaningful and important in life. The year 2020 has given us all some perspective.

2020 vision - looking at life in a new way.

Perspective changes things. And by looking at something differently, you can often see something completely different.

So, this year I made a conscious decision to look for the good things in my life as it relates to my vestibular disorder. When I did that, I actually started to see the good.

I adopted a new mindset.

I began to reframe the negative thoughts with more positive ones

I started to see myself as a strong person with some physical limitations.

I stopped focusing on the things I couldn't do, and started to see the many things I could do. Now the list of what I can do keeps growing. 

My diagnosis hasn't changed, neither has the prognosis. My symptoms haven't changed.What has changed is my attitude, my outlook and my perspective. And that has changed everything.

I am strong because I persevere, I endure and I don't give up.

2020 vision has allowed me to see the strength I already possessed, and for that, I am grateful

You. Are. Strong.

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