Monday 21 December 2020

Day Nine - Confidence

On the ninth day of gratitude, I am grateful for confidence.

It took a lot of confidence for a private person like me, to step out into a public space and start my own Facebook page. I started with two poems and one blog post. I was really nervous

I was nervous because people may not like what I have to say. 

I was apprehensive that people may critisize, misunderstand or misinterpret what I have to say.

I was worried that people would compare what I was saying, to others.

It's true, there are lots of dizziness pages out there. Lot of people doing the same thing.

Paint Nite - the same, but different.

And there are many similarities. But if you look closely, there are also differences. Everyone's story is unique.


So many interpretations.

No one can tell my story with the same insight, experience and perspective in which I tell it.

Each one is unique.

 My style of writing isn't for everyone. Poetry isn't for everyone. Some like it, others don't. And I'm ok with that. Sometimes my posts will get quite a few likes and sometimes none at all. I'm ok with that too.

It is my hope that my journey will help someome on a similar journey. I'm happy that I found the confidence to step out of my comfort zone and share my stories with you.

And I'm grateful, that you take the time to listen.

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