Friday 8 May 2020

Oops- I forgot!

Sorry, I realize it's been a quite a while since I posted.

It's not that I wasn't dizzy. Because I was.
It's not that I was absentminded. Because I wasn't.
It's just that I was distracted. But I was actually distracted in a good way.

You see, April is National Poetry Month. It's the one month of the year that is set aside
 to celebrate, appreciate, read and even perhaps write some poetry. 
This past April, we were in the middle of a global pandemic, 
and since challenges seemed to be the flavour of the month, 
I set myself a challenge to write a poem for each day in April.
 There were no awards or prizes, this was just a personal goal and a way
 for me to focus on something other than my dizziness.

Here are a few highlights:

 On Day 1: I wrote about...yes, you guessed it..dizziness.

Day 2: A little humour about forgetting to write that day. As you can see, I didn't.

Day 8: Had a little fun with my name.

And so it went on. All month. Writing, writing writing! 
I wrote poems about all kinds of things. But what was most important is that while I was 
busy writing, I almost forgot about my vestibular disorder completly.
 I know that at some point I took some medication for my symptoms,
but I think it was probably only twice in the entire month.
 What I'm saying is, sometimes it is good to forget things. And this was one of those sometimes.

At the end of the month, as if on cue, I woke up really dizzy.
 It triggered a memory for me and I wrote this...

That took me back to the beginning of my journey. I'd forgotten about how painful it was. 
It was good to be able to write about it. It was especially good to be able to write
 without all the associated feelings of grief and loss that I experienced at the time. 
Like a healed scar, I could remember without the pain.


Forgetfulness is not always a bad thing and distraction can be a good thing.
Especially when it comes to managing symptoms of a vestibular disorder.

But here's something I mustn't forget, May 17th to May 23rd, 2020 is Steps to Balance.

This is VeDA's annual fundraising campaign to help people with
vestibular disorders get some sense of balance and control back in their lives.
. Please consider a donation to this very worthwhile cause. 
I'm will be doing a challenge myself.
Stay tuned.

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