Friday, 15 May 2020

A Hard Day's Night.

Some days with a vestibular disorder are just hard. There's no getting around it. There's no sugar coating it. There's no putting a Pinterest inspirational quote on it. And there's no cliche for it. It's just HARD.

I'm not being a Debbie Downer. In fact, I'm quite the opposite. I'm usually your glass half full type of girl. I'm usually the optimist. The optimist in me would normally say things like -  "There may be bumps in the road, but at least it's leading somewhere". Or "Sometimes when you're in a dark place, you think you may have been buried, but you've actually been planted". Or "When it rains, look for rainbows, when it's dark, look for stars". I spread optimism around like butter on warm toast - but right now the toast is burnt and I'm all out of butter!

Perhaps all of this is because I'm so very tired. My symptoms have flared again and they are particularly noticeable at night when I'm in bed. It feels as though I'm falling through the bed and that feeling keeps waking me up.  I maybe got an hour of sleep the entire night and still had to get up at the crack of dawn to drive my son to work. And nothing looks good when you're tired. 

Also, it's VeDA's Steps-2-Balance fundraising campaign in a few days and my symptoms are making it very difficult for me to follow through on my personal fundraising campaign goal. I still haven't committed to it as yet.

The reality is this disorder makes life very unpredictable and prone to plot twists. So, I'm taking the pressure off myself today. Not planning anything, not doing anything and will simply acknowledge and accept that today is one of those hard days. The end.

Or maybe I'll try a little dandelion therapy. Weeding is very cheap therapy for me. All it costs is time and a little bit energy. And not too much energy is required today either, because it rained last night and  it is so much easier to remove the whole root when the ground is wet.

Well, look at that...I found my optimism. And I guess I've already been productive without even knowing it. Because I just wrote this post! 

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