Thursday 27 February 2020



It happened suddenly one night, I simply went to bed.
And woke to find that someone shook a snow-globe in my head.
My world just started spinning but I knew not what to blame.
Now nothing in my life will ever, ever be the same.

At first I thought - a virus? This dizziness will pass away.
But moments turned to hours, then the hours turned to days.
The days have turned to weeks, and the weeks to months and more.
No longer can I do the things I once enjoyed before.

I trip, I fall, I stumble while I rock and bob and sway.
From all I've read it seems I may forever be this way.
I'm trapped upon this not so very merry 'verti-go-round'
Just wishing I could once again stand still on solid ground.

I shake my fist at God and question Him about this curse.
And why instead of better, every day I'm feeling worse?
I wonder what will quell the rocking waters in my head.
That leave me dreading every moment I spend out of bed.

I'm a captive of this snow-globe, silent prisoner from within.
So fearful every movement may descend into a spin. 
I smile and say I'm coping with my daily dizzy ride
But truth be told, behind my smile, I'm dying deep inside.

1 comment:

  1. I too remember this exact scenario on Nov 23, 2015. After a very special week with family & a very close friend, who we thru a going back home party for the day before. I spent the 22nd cleaning up the remnants of the party, then at 4am, the 23rd. I started my journey of Hell.
    Your words describe me and this hell to a manner nobody else has. I commend you and pray for US all everyday. Diagnosis took 9 months. Lost my marriage, career, my home, MY LIFE. I fight daily to survive, wondering what my next step should be, in any attempt to live some form of happy life.

    I pray you find a way!
